Looking for a new blog design

June 26, 2008

I like my current blog design, but it’s just getting kind of old. It took me a while to settle on this current theme, and I do like it. I just need a change i guess.

Lately I’ve been thinking about moving the blog to a hosted WordPress install and actually getting a domain name for it. I don’t know if OddBoot.com is taken or not. Heck, I might even end up changing the name. OddBoot is just something I came up with off the top of my head one day.

At this point who knows. All I know is that I need a change. Something to stir my creativity. I’m really considering making my own design at this point. I’ve always wanted to come up with my own personal theme, but I’m just not that good with Photoshop and CSS and all the other stuff. I can handle the server part, not a problem there. My lack of skill in the artistic parts of theme design is what is currently holding me back.

Maybe I’ll just give a try, who knows.


December 6, 2007

This is a rather short post. I just wanted to pop in right quick and say that I think I’m now addicted to del.icio.us. It’s so nice to be able to store and access all of my bookmarks in one place. I also like being able to share my bookmarks with others, or send a list of bookmarks to someone. I don’t have many bookmarks added yet, but I’m working on it.

So far I’ve only added places that I normally visit, I’ve yet to add all my bookmarks on my MacBook (my main computer). I just wish I could find a plugin for Safari. I did find a small program that will add the bookmarks to your Safari bookmark menu, but it would be much easier if I could do it from right inside Safari.
