
Welcome to OddBoot. I’m not sure why I called this site OddBoot. It just kind of hit me one day while I was driving. I wanted to create a web site to post different things about technology. I love technology, and I love to write about it. I figured a blog would be perfect for me to post tutorials, news, links, and reviews about technology.

You’ll find all kinds of topics here. I cover Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and public computing. I can’t just settle down and stick to just one operating system. I find it fascinating to learn and work with all kinds of different software, and sometimes hardware. I cover public computing because I work in a public library system, so public computing is kind of my thing.

I also plan to use this blog as a place to document my different projects. Sometimes I am handed projects to do that I’ve never done before. So, I find myself researching and experimenting a lot until I get it right. To help me later on, I usually document these projects so that I can go back and have a look at them later. Who knows, maybe some of this will actually help someone else who might be in a similar spot.

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